Business Ethics and Code of Conduct

1. Introduction

KJ Power Generator is committed to conducting business with the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and ethical behavior. This Code of Conduct outlines the principles and guidelines that govern our business practices and interactions with employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Our commitment to ethical business conduct is fundamental to maintaining trust, ensuring legal compliance, and achieving long-term success.

This Code applies to all employees, directors, contractors, suppliers, agents, and business partners. Compliance with this Code is mandatory and reflects KJ Power Generator’s core values of integrity, respect, and accountability.

2. Scope

This Code applies to:

All parties are expected to read, understand, and comply with the requirements outlined in this document. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action, contract termination, or legal consequences.

3. Ethical Business Conduct

3.1 Integrity and Honesty

3.2 Conflict of Interest

3.3 Bribery and Corruption

4. Labour Standards

4.1 Fair Employment Practices

4.2 Child Labour and Forced Labour

4.3 Compensation and Benefits

4.4 Working Conditions

5. Health and Safety

6. Environmental Responsibility

7. Data Protection and Cybersecurity

7.1 Protection of Confidential Information

7.2 Cybersecurity Standards

8. Supplier and Business Partner Conduct

9. Human Rights and Fair Treatment

10. Anti-Corruption and Anti-Fraud Measures

11. Gifts and Hospitality

12. Whistleblower Protection

13. Post-Employment Conduct

14. Compliance and Monitoring

15. Disciplinary Actions and Consequences

16. Governance and Review



Chairman of the Board

March 11th, 2025

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Kj Power

KJ Power ist ein etablierter Hersteller von Dieselgeneratoren, der seit 1996 im Energiesektor tätig ist. Das Unternehmen, das eine breite Palette von Dieselgeneratorsätzen von 10 kVA bis 3000 kVA herstellt, verfügt über internationale ISO 9001:2015- und andere wichtige Zertifikate. Als Generatorenunternehmen stellen wir spezielle Generatoren für Projekte bereit, indem wir spezielle technische Lösungen anbieten. KJ Power bedient zahlreiche Branchen in der Türkei und hat seinen weltweiten Erfolg als Generatorhersteller unter Beweis gestellt, indem es 90 % seiner Produktion in mehr als 120 Länder exportiert.

KJ Power Generator. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.